I remember, when I was younger, feeling I was at such a disadvantage because of my lack of education around finances. I could easily complain about how it set me back in life and how other's were given a smoother start to their adult life, and then it hit me. I'm an adult too and I have total control over my life. If I want to be educated in the world of money, then I need to educate myself.
Below are a few books that really opened my eyes and set some practical steps in motion to change the way I see and manage money. I'm always growing and learning, but my life has radically changed since I took control of my understanding in the area of finances and building wealth.
It's my goals to grow my wealth so that I can life a full life and enhance the lives of those around my through an outpouring generosity an abundance.
Lots of people want to know what's in my bag. And while the brand of camera's in my bag vary, these items below have been my go-to over the years.